Welcome To Project Scorpio.
I've gone by many names historically, but I've decided 8y now that I'm at peace with the name of Vriska. After all, it's who I'm supposed to 8e. I identify as transcharacter. I am not ashamed to claim that my experience is analogous to that of someone who is transgender. This is as much of a transition as a sex change is, and I expect that it 8e treated with the same level of respect.My main goal in life, other than engaging in transID activism and 8ecoming a meteorologist, is to transform into Vriska as 8est I can through 8ody modific8ion and 8ehavioral alter8ion. As of now I'm roughly 45% done with this process. A list of my transition goals, as copied from my Tum8lr, can 8e found 8elow.
Transition GoalsPHASE ONE
❉ Make or 8uy prosthetic claws and horns (Done!)
❉ Dye my hair permanently 8lack (Done!)
❉ Get gold contacts (Done 8ut I have issues wearing them)
❉ Get an eyepatch to resolve half-8lind dysphoria (Done!)
❉ Get material items to soothe dysphoria (sign shirt/hoodie, dice, 8 8all, 8lue lipstick, etc) (done!)
❉ Get angel 8ite piercings that resem8le fangs (Done!)
❉ Get small tattoos that suggest at my true self, including a scorpio sym8ol and anchor (WIP)
❉ Either acquire or tattoo on a cy8ernetic arm
❉ 8egin mental reprogramming to 8ecome Vriska mentally (WIP)
❉ Do something a8out my genitals. Custom packer, nonhuman 8ottom surgery if that happens in the near future, anything.
❉ Tattoo scarring around my left eye
❉ Surgery to get implants that look and feel like gru8scars, tattoo over these
❉ Permanently dye at least parts of my skin gray
❉ Tattoo the whites of my eyes yellow? (Most risky procedure here)
❉ Remove or otherwise 8lind myself in my left eye
Q: This has to be bait! Are you trying to harm the transgender community?
I've 8een accused of this many times. Let me ask you this - do you think some conserv8ive shithole would actually go through the effort of getting permanent 8ody mods just to harm a community? I have never seen that once, and I've lurked in queer spaces long 8efore I discovered this a8out myself. They're too cowardly to ruin their 8ody to express their h8red. It's not my fault I experience this.
Q: Are you radqueer?
A: Not anymore. I grew sick and tired of the open support of CSA, animal a8use, and misuse of terminology in that community and packed my 8ags.
Q: Isn't wearing an eyepatch when you don't need one ableist?
A: A8leism is discrimin8ion against disa8led folkel. 8y definition, wearing something that can 8e found on Amazon for five 8ucks and is frequently used in cosplay is not a8leism. 8esides, if you saw me on the street, you wouldn't 8e a8le to tell that I don't have pro8lems with my eye. You would assume I do, and wouldn't question it. If you do, in fact, question whether or not everyone who uses a disa8ility aid is a Dirty Faker(TM) you my friend are what we in the 8usiness call a piece of shit! ::::)Q: How did you figure out that you're supposed to be Vriska?
A: I saw fanart posted on Tum8lr and felt a pang of dysphoria worse than anything I've felt in my life; one that didn't go away with time. Two Homestuck read-throughs l8er and the feelings were more than confirmed. This is the easiest transition I can do, so I've decided to go for it.Q: Why pierce your lips instead of getting fangs that glue on?
A: I prefer the look and feel of the piercings, and they are more permanent. Right now I have metal ones, 8ut enamel-colored angel 8ites do exist and I will get some eventually.